Chad Clifford is the owner and manager of Front Porch Music in Valparaiso, IN. Front Porch is a full service music store that sells beginner to high end acoustic and electric guitars and music accessories. They also specialize in lessons in voice, guitar, piano, bass, drums and many other instruments. The lower level of Front Porch is a 72-seat coffee house that features touring artist in concert and open stages. The upper level is a full service instrument repair shop. FrontPorchMusic.com
In addition to playing in the CrawPuppies Chad does a hundred or so solo acoustic shows a year. His solo shows feature originals and grab bag of 500+ classic rock songs from the 50’s thru today. Private parties, clubs, coffee houses and festivals are all in a day’s work for Chad.
Chad Clifford is the lead singer and songwriter for the popular group the CrawPuppies. The CrawPuppies have two acclaimed CD’s 2004’s Peaceful Amnesty and 2009’s World’s Much Bigger. The band has shared the stage with many popular bands including, Sublime, Counting Crowes, Styx, CCR, John Waite, Gin Blossoms, Cracker, Live, Poi Dog Pondering, the Smithereens, Rusted Root and Blues Traveler. From local bar gigs to weddings to festivals the CrawPuppies can adjust to any professional music envrioment.
MegaBeatles is a talented group of musicians from Northwest Indiana/Chicago that recreate the music of the Beatles with precision, passion and Love! The band features members of both the Chris and Lou band and the CrawPuppies both Northern Indiana favorites. As individual bands they both have very successful reputations as original and cover bands. It is a rare treat when these bands combine for a high energy set of amazing post 1965 Beatles hits, deep cuts and fan favorites. A Splendid time is guaranteed for all!!
Digital Hair is a band Chad Clifford and Mike Moore started in 1986 while in High School. At the height of bright colors and tall hair the band went from playing high school sockhop and proms to festivals and larger concerts. They opened for acts like The Romantics and REO Speedwagon. After a brief relocation to Hollywood California, the band continued into the 1990's with a new rhythm section, even bigger hair and harder rocking sound. The band has been know to do a few reunion shows each year in Northwest Indiana and Indianapolis.